#12 Key Question: How do the champions grow?

Growth is a crucial success factor for long-term maximization of entrepreneurial value creation and development. Hereby studies show that business growth is possible in every industry, even in declining development phases. However, only about one-third of international leading companies achieve value-creating growth over a medium-term period of time with the majority of analyzed international market leaders either experiencing negative value development or failing to achieve growth at all. The condensed summary of various research analyses by the world’s top consulting firms provides specific insights into the growth behavior of companies, who dominate in global competition by over average value contributing growth. These global growth champions …

  • follow the same success drivers for growing their business regardless of market and competitive situations, size, skill profiles, industry affiliation or nationality.
  • seek growth in three optional strategic fields of action:
    1. Increasing market share in existing markets with existing products.
    2. Entering related adjacent markets based on existing core competencies.
    3. Renewing the business model with new offerings for new markets.
  • initiate their growth process by at first optimizing their current businesses, strategically as well as regarding cost and financial efficiency;
  • prefer organic growth strategies over external growth paths such as joint ventures, corporate partnerships and mergers;
  • focus on 6 growth drivers: Digital market transformation, internationalization, innovation strength, brand development, pricing, and sales.
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